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Sariyya Muslum. "Khojaly is not dead". Trans.: A. Aghabeyli. Əsrin soyqırımı sayılan Xocalı faciəsi haqqında onun öz şahidinin ürəksızıldadan kitabı - ingiliscə... Kulturoloji-innovativ layihə





Qısa Təsvir:

Sariyya Muslum. "Khojaly is not dead". Trans.: A. Aghabeyli; ed. M. Nazimoghlu.- Baku: Chashioglu, 2007. Əsrin soyqırımı sayılan Xocalı faciəsi haqqında onun öz şahidinin ürəksızıldadan kitabı - ingiliscə... Kulturoloji-innovativ Layihə çərçivəsində nəşrə hazırlanıb...

Baxış sayı: 3142


Milli Virtual Kitabxananın təqdimatında


Bu elektron nəşr http://www.kitabxana.net - Milli Virtual Kitabxananın “Eurovision-2012” mahnı müsabiqəsinə gələn xarici qonaqlar, turistlət və soydaşlarımız üçün Azərbaycan kitablarını, eləcə də yazıçılarımızın əsərlərini müxtəlif dillərdə, rəqəmsal - e-kitab formatında hazırlamaq..." Kulturoloji-innovativ Layihə çərçivəsində nəşrə hazırlanıb və yayılır.


Elektron Kitab N 30


YYSQ - Milli Virtual Kitabxananın e-nəşri N 30  (74 - 2012)


Kulturoloji layihənin bu hissəsini maliyyələşdirən qurum:

Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezidenti Yanında Qeyri-Hökumət Təşkilatlarına Dövlət Dəstəyi Şurası


Sariyya Muslum

"Khojaly is not dead"

 Əsrin soyqırımı sayılan Xocalı faciəsi haqqında onun öz şahidinin ürəksızıldadan kitabı - ingiliscə... 


 YYSQ - Milli Virtual Kitabxananın e-nəşri N 30 (74 - 2012)


Virtual redaktoru və e-nəşrə hazırlayanı:  Aydın Xan (Əbilov), yazar-kulturoloq


YYSQ - Milli Virtual Kitabxana. Bakı – 2012



Sariyya Muslum. "Khojaly is not dead". Trans.: A. Aghabeyli; ed. M. Nazimoghlu.- Baku: Chashioglu, 2007.- 143 p.


Redactor: Adila Aghabeyli Scientific Worker in National Scientific Academy

Translator: Narmin Abbasova “Shams-N” languages and translation center

Painter: Vagif Ucatay

Published: Cashoglu Publishing house...






…Once upon a time…..No this story is a different one. It would be better to begin this story with: There were many big cities in the world, and a village named Khojaly.

It is pity that now I am obliged to write about my native land, about my motherland in the past tense, and in narrative form. But at the end of my story Evil wins over the Good rather than Good over the Evil.

… Within fourteen years I try to be optimistic but I can’t. Greatness, even, the smell of grief named Khojaly has become familiar to me. Every year we commemorate black anniversary, tell our memories about that grief. By commemorating, by recalling it we reconcile with it. And now we gradually begin to forget about it. Though we haven’t right to this. 

…Again I dreamt about my mother. She was in a long, white dress. She was smiling. But whiteness of her dress pushed my shoulders in spite of dazzling my eyes; it didn’t let me to move.

…Oh my God, how could the grief become familiar? My Khojaly grief …. That left my dreams and became a story. I know that while I wrote this book I absorbed into feelings, lost in emotions. But the readers can be sure that, the every fate, every story he will meet is real. I know it is hard for you to

read these reality as it was difficult for me while writing this. Though it is hard, it is difficult, we must write about this. There are things that are difficult not to write than to write.




This book is about one of the tragedies of XX century. I don’t want this book to be listed with million simple books. Because this book is the cry of Khojaly victims.

… This book states that executors of this tragedy still go unpunished though 15 years passed since then.

… This book is the equity and justice challenge of millions of Azerbaijanis who demand this tragedy to be recognized as genocide.

… Don’t look for scenes showing images of that tragedy. Accept this book as collection of memories of our nation. Grief, sorrow, sadness of this tragedy was written in our memory with blood.

… This book presents part of our history written in blood.

We have never resounded to the world about our grief. As we are the nation who can bear its grief.

Even this book is not the chronicle of all our tragedy. We wrote this book in order to declare world tragedy of all nations who witnessed horrors of the genocide in his our country.

We are obliged to repeat the reality once more: to kill man, to be his enemy is to be against the God.

On 26 February 1992, Armenians not only became the enemy of humanity but he became the enemy of human value and God as well. This numbers are written in the pages of Azerbaijan history with blood: Armenians attacked Khojaly town in the Daghlig-Garabagh region of Azerbaijan and killed 613 people. 63 of them were children, 106 of them were women and 70 were old people. 8 families were completely destroyed, 25 children lost both of their parents, 130 children lost only one of their parents, 657 men were disabled, and 1275 were captivated. Live of 150 captivated men is still unknown. 

History has witnessed many bloody events. But to live horror of Khojaly tragedy where women, olds and children were savagely killed and to bear this is out of the human will. 

Only we, Azerbaijanis could live that tragedy. Because we are the nation who witnessed many tragedies and bore this.

… This book is the chronicle of horror lived in the one night.

… This book is for delivering tragedies of the yesterday tomorrow.

I want you to inform about the terrible scene. There are facts about the participation of Zari Balayan, one of the main ideologists of the “Great Armenia” idea, in the Khojaly genocide. Zari Balayan whom the Interpol is looking for, justified the Khojaly genocide in his work “Reviving of our Soul” published in 1996 and confessing his pride in this genocide against Azerbaijanis he wrote: “When I together with Khachatur entered the house we saw 13 years old child hammered in the window by our soldiers. In order to make this Turkish child to be silent, Khachatur poked bossom of that child’s mother into his mouth. Then I did the same what their fathers did with our children. I striped off the shin of his head, breast, and stomach. I looked at my watch; Turkish child died seven minutes later by losing much blood. As I was doctor by profession, I wasn’t happy with what I did

with this Turkish child. I was very pride that I could revenge for my nation. Then Khachatur cut the corpse of this Turkish child into pieces and threw these pieces to dogs. We did same thing late in the evening with other 3 Turkish children. I carried out my duty as Armenian patriot. Khachatur sweated very much, but I saw revenge and strong humanism in his eyes as well as in the eyes of other soldiers.

Next morning we came to church and prayed for those who died in 1915 and for deed we done yesterday. But we could clean 30 thousand men from Khojaly who occupied one part of our nation”.

Zori Balayan who proudly had written facts of the genocide they committed against the Azerbaijanis, thinks that every Armenian must be proud for their act. These men are alive and the facts proving that Armenians committed genocide in Khojaly is presented in the book of Zori Balayan at the pages 260-262 of “Reviving of our Soul” published in the 1996. I think there is no need for comment. But I must note that after reading confession of this Armenian ideologist, every nation, every country must share sorrow, tragedy of Azerbaijanis.

Thus, I evaluate the book “Khojaly is not dead” as historical document reflecting the destiny, moral shaking of every Azerbaijani.

This book must be send to every country of the world, people all around the world must be unaware of the genocide committed against the Azerbaijanis, and must notify their attitude. “Azerbaijan Way” Political Movement will use their opportunities in this direction; will use all their potential for delivering all book abouts Khojaly genocide to world.


Ilgar Gasimov

Head of the “Azerbaijan Way” Political Movement